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Iceberg Mentoring Service

Someone To Engage With Tailored Support

Informal Learning with Accredited Outcomes

Volunteering Experience With Job Ready Reference*

IMS Funding Plan


People and businesses can sponsor the project by committing a minimum of £5 a month through either the I.M.S Financial Band System or the Go Fund Me page. They will become I.M.S benefactors or patrons where they will be honoured at the graduation event.

A minimum of 6-month commitment would be ideal at £5 per month which will guarantee a young person or mentor would have their travel expenses covered.


Band A (£5-10 a month for 6 months)

  • Costs of mentoring meet up is met.

  • End of programme assessment


Band B (£10-20 a month for 6 months)

  • Costs of mentoring meet up is met.

  • Life skills Programme

  • End of programme assessment


Band C (£20-30 a month for 6 months)

  • Costs of mentoring meet up is met.

  • Life skills Programme

  • End of programme assessment

  • End of programme trip


Band D (£30+ a month for 6 months)

  • Costs of mentoring meet up is met.

  • Life skills Programme

  • End of programme assessment

  • End of programme trip

  • Graduation Portfolio


"Our goal with I.M.S is to light the candle of potential in a young person's mind..."

Carl Sanderson, Founder and Project Lead

This projects aim is to support young people living in the community, in making informed and positive choices in life. To help provide realistic tools that will be used for decision-making. To also use the various services, businesses and other community establishments to help support the young people in the
community by creating opportunities of volunteering and comprehensive, tailored sessions to help make them citizens in their community.


To equip young people with skills that would be beneficial for their future development. We will be doing this by helping to create a safe space that encourages reflection and communication with a mentor and once a month with a group of their peers. Once a month the young people will attend sessions that will promote life skills. These life skills will help in the development of the young person, which would be identified through an initial assessment facilitated by the Project Coordinator. All sessions attended and completed will be used as evidence of recorded outcomes whilst working towards accreditations.


Referrals of the young people will come from the partners involved (as well as from the community) who will be included in the decision making of which young people will be able to attend the pilot project. This will be done in a formal meeting where the board chosen will help in selecting the young people who will only be identified by a case number to ensure the process is fair and confidential.


Qualified individuals from in and around the community who will be giving practical advice, will lead all sessions. These tutors will also be volunteers and partners in the project.

Some of these sessions will be taking place in community hubs in Hackney with s a few taking place on a weekend residential away from London where the young people will learn and put their skills into practice as well as taking part in activities on site.


© 2023 Descendants Of Kings​

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